Monday, April 26, 2010

Overheard on a Sunday Morning...

Once upon a time there was a family...
A family of TORPEDOS!!

And there were 3 brother torpedos and a big ol' daddy torpedo.  Mostly the daddy torpedo showed up to yell "STOPPIT SONS, THAT'S DANGEROUS!!!"

But then there was a crisis because aliens landed and attacked...Iowa.  So the torpedos dashed off to rescue Iowa.  It was a very noisy battle.  There were many explosions.  Spit, I mean, shrappnel was flying everywhere.  The aliens were vanquished, and left in a hurry.

But then there was a problem because one of the torpedos decided NOT to invite another torpedo to his birthday party.  Negotiations were tense and almost tearful.  Finally Mommy intervened.  Now we have a family rule that all torpedos are invited to all parties.  Happiness ensued.

And you thought they were just pool toys...


Jacqueline said...

Just darling!!! Just like your boys are. Love you all.

Kristina said...

Gotta love little boys :) I have a boy in my primary class who answers ever question with, "If I had super powers . . . " or "What if aliens came and . . ." It's awesome :)

Lybi said...

Hahaha, Kristina, I can TOTALLY picture your primary kid! It's so funny how these little guys think.

Unknown said...

We have those same torpedos! Maya loves to teeth on them.

Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

that is just too fun! I love it! I'm glad all the torpedos are invited to the birthday party. Parties are more fun when everyone is there

Laura said...

Haha! That was super cute!! I love creative stories, but I always cringe hearing them repeat any "mommy phrases." ;o)

Amy said...

as a resident of Iowa I am greatly concerned about this story. How is it that your boys decided upon our lovely state to attack??? :)

Amy said...

so I went back and reread and realized that your boys (the torpedos) were actually saving Iowa-- I feel better now:)