Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Danielle hardly ever cries, but that doesn't mean she's quiet.

Warning, there are about 10 seconds of fussiness. Don't let them deter you.

She loves to make these sounds when I take her shopping. Then people throughout the whole store think that Mariah Carey is somewhere close by...and being jabbed with a red-hot poker.


Danielle said...

You've got a baby pterodactyl! An adorable, snuggly, squishy baby pterodactyl!

Ashley said...

LOL! It's like total recall from four months ago in our house...

Jacqueline said...

How cute.What a sweet way to get attention. You know I don't know if I have ever seen her cry. Such a pleasant personality. Just like you.

Unknown said...

SO CUTE!!! I can't tell you glad I am that you've posted some new pics and video of her!

Seth said...

Kids are funny with their high pitched yells.