Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Adam is talented. He is a lego master.
He makes very complicated "creations." They are always perfectly symmentrical.

He explains the function of each of the parts: shooters, jets, and machinery nonsense words like "the motranator." He looks at me as if I have a very tiny brain.

He has been making these humongous things since he was very little. He was three when he made this one. Symmetrical...and bigger than him. Just the way a battleship should be.


Danielle said...

That's awesome!! I see a degree in engineering in his future! Justin is into Lincoln Logs lately, and my mommy pride is just bursting over the stuff he's building. My 3 year old is a genius! jk!

Ashley said...

VERY cool! This kid definitely has talent.

Kristina said...

Wow! That is AMAZING!

Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

Future Engineer... I can tell!

Jacqueline said...

Shows definite skill and also an incredible stick-to-it-iveness. We are so proud of him. Thanks for sharing.

Seth said...

Those are some very impressive creations!