Once upon a time there was a family...
A family of TORPEDOS!!
And there were 3 brother torpedos and a big ol' daddy torpedo. Mostly the daddy torpedo showed up to yell "STOPPIT SONS, THAT'S DANGEROUS!!!"
But then there was a crisis because aliens landed and attacked...Iowa. So the torpedos dashed off to rescue Iowa. It was a very noisy battle. There were many explosions. Spit, I mean, shrappnel was flying everywhere. The aliens were vanquished, and left in a hurry.
But then there was a problem because one of the torpedos decided NOT to invite another torpedo to his birthday party. Negotiations were tense and almost tearful. Finally Mommy intervened. Now we have a family rule that all torpedos are invited to all parties. Happiness ensued.
And you thought they were just pool toys...