Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who Does She Look Like?

People often ask me who Danielle looks like the most.  They mean James or I, of course.  But look:

Danielle 4 months

Sam at 4 months

She looks most like her doting big brother!


Danielle said...

What big beautiful eyes they've got!! She most definitely looks like Sam!

Ashley said...

WOW. If you hadn't said anything, I would have though they were the same baby!

Unknown said...

I can see all of her brothers when I look at her. I think it's precious. :) Of course she looks distinctly "girl." So sweet! I wish I could meet her. Maybe next time I visit.

Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

wow, she does! That's crazy! She definitely belongs to her family! :o)

Seth said...

That is so funny. I love how you not only got their faces but also their posture looking the same.

Very very cute!

Catherine said...

wow - you couldve told me that was the same baby and I would have believed you too. Beautiful eyes!!!